
Independent Arbitrator / Adjunct Professor IE Law School

Juliana has over fourteen years of experience in international arbitration. She has ample experience as counsel in complex disputes involving construction and engineering, energy and technology.

As counsel, she took part in arbitrations involving multiple jurisdictions, applying Namibian Law, Swiss Law, Argentinian Law, and Spanish Law, conducted under the rules of some of the most prominent arbitration courts such as the ICC, CAM Madrid and CIMA.After joining the Secretariat of the Madrid Court of Arbitration she supervised over 200 proceedings (both in Spanish and in English).

She acted as expert observer before the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), for Working Groups II and III, devoted to mediation and international arbitration.Currently, Juliana combines teaching with her work as independent lawyer, collaborating in complex cases as counsel, acting as Tribunal Secretary or as sole Arbitrator.

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